The electronic licensing system has been fully implemented in Kazakhstan. Through the portal you can apply for about 500 types of entrepreneurial activities in the field of industry, architecture and construction, export-import and others. The application is directly accepted and processed by the relevant government agencies. The applicant has the ability to track the status of his application at all stages of its submission and consideration online.
In addition, the system is a unified state registrar of all type of licenses, that is, through it, you can check the reliability and status of each license issued in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It should be noted that “The Electronic Licensing System of Kazakhstan ( became the best project in the“ E-Business ”category following the results of the international competition WSIS Project Prizes 2013, held within the framework of the World Summit Forum on the Information Society in Geneva. … More than 280 projects from 64 countries of the world took part in the competition.
To submit an application, you also need to have an electronic digital signature, pay a license fee, documents confirming the applicant’s compliance with the qualification requirements.
Licensing and permitting production is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Permits and Notifications” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).
According to the sectoral Law regulating legal relations in the field of licensing, the concept of “license” implies permission of the first category to carry out a licensed type of activity or a subtype of a licensed type of activity associated with a high level of danger.
Activities that are not associated with a high level of danger require obtaining a “permit”, that is, confirmation of the applicant’s right to carry out activities or actions (operations) through a licensing or permitting procedure.
An unlicensed, but regulated activity, which, in turn, does not require permission and is of a notification nature, provides for the sending of a “notice” informing about the beginning or termination of an activity or action.
Article 28 of the Law contains a list of all permissive (licensed) types of activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which include the following areas:
television and radio broadcasting;
protection and use of objects of historical and cultural heritage;
architecture, urban planning and construction;
informatization and communication;
circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors;
use of atomic energy;
ensuring information security;
special technical means intended for carrying out operational-search activities;
arms turnover (military equipment, weapons, explosives and products with their use);
circulation of toxic substances;
production of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, production of tobacco products;
commodity exchanges;
export and import;
the financial sphere and activities related to the concentration of financial resources; use of outer space;
gambling business;
veterinary medicine;
forensic expertise, including forensic medical, forensic narcological and forensic psychiatric expertise;
service of individuals and legal entities.
A detailed register of permits is presented in the first annex to the law. It describes the subspecies for each item. Everything that was not included in the list is those activities that are not subject to licensing in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but in some cases are of a notification nature. Notifications are also submitted and processed through the portal.
Consequences of delay in issuing a permit from an authorized body.
According to the requirements of the Law, after a certain period (in most cases, it is 15 working days) allotted for consideration of an application and attached documents, if the licensor, that is, the authorized state body responsible for issuing a permit, did not provide the applicant with any response, the applicant is recognized as a licensee, that is, a person capable of carrying out a licensing type of activity. In this case, the authorized body is obliged to issue an appropriate permit to the applicant within 5 working days.
Such a measure effectively protects the interests of a business associated with a timing of launching and performing of one or another type of licensing activity.
By contacting BOND STONE lawyers, you will receive comprehensive advice and professional services in obtaining permits in the shortest possible time, necessary to launch your business.