

Information about the project

CEFC purchased 51% of shares and KMG keeps 49% of its stake in a subsidiary
KazMunaGaz International that owns two Romania’s oil refineries – Petromedia Navodari and Vega Ploiesti and fuel distribution network in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Georgia, as well as through it partners in the Black Sea region.

Areas of practice

Corporate and Antitrust law, Finance and Securities, Commercial law, Taxation, Intellectual Property.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Project cost

3 mlrd. 680 mln. US dollars

Information about the project

Aktobe oil extraction plant is presented in the Kazakhstan market by the products under the Leto and Khozayuska brands, controlling 20% of the domestic market of bottled sunflower oil. BOND STONE provided full legal support for structuring and conclusion the M&A transaction on purchase of 100% share capital of Savola Foods CIS by Yug Rusi Russian Agroindustrial Corporation from the Savola Group hold- ing, including obtaining the consent of the antimonopoly agency.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Project cost

25 million US dollars



Designer and Contractor


Information about the project

Moynak HPP is the first project implemented by CWE in Kazakhstan. It is also the first major hydroelectric plant built in the country since its independence. BOND STONE provided full legal support of the matters concerning design, construction and commissioning the hydroelectric power plant and installation of power engineering equipment. The object is implemented within the framework of The State Program of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development (SPAIID).


Energy. RES (Renewable Energy Sources)

Project cost

360 million US dollars

Information about the project

Legal support of the project included matters of design, construction, and commissioning the automated water pumping station. The automated water pumping station produces 30 thousand cubic meters, which completely satisfies the requirements for residential areas.


Tengizchevroil. The Igilik program General contractor: SpetsStroyProject

Areas of practice

Commercial law, Licensing, Taxation.


Construction. Social infrastructure.

Project cost

7 million US dollars

Information about the project

Representing the interests in distributorship contracting and its further implementation. Legal risks analysis, legal governance, risk management and compliance.


Luxury retail

Areas of practice

Corporate Law, Commercial law, Tax and Customs law, Intellectual Property.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Project cost

5 million US dollars

Information about the project

Legal support of the project included matters of design, constructioAnalysis and study of paperwork. Review of documents and transactions in terms of their compliance with the law. Preparation of a report with recommendations on legal risks.



Project cost

13 million US dollars

Information about the project

Protecting the interests of the VILED Group in its business relations with the general contractor, landlord, suppliers and other third parties.


Construction. Real Estate

Project cost

20 million US dollars

Information about the project

SAKS FIFTH AVENUE combines more Information about the project than 140 brands leaders in their industry.


Luxury retail

Project cost

360 million US dollars