Kazakhstan Labor Law and Employment
Kazakhstan Labor Law and Employment has undergone significant improvements by adopting new Labor Code in 2016 based on entrepreneurship principles and business relationship between employers and employees intended to scale-up business grows and foreign investment attractiveness by easing hiring and employment termination procedures. It was a really a remarkable legal breakthrough in moving way from Soviet legacy enshrined in Kazakh labor codes regulated labor and employment spheres since 1972 having had an impact for while on labor regulations after Kazakhstan gained its sovereignty.
2016 Labor Code provides great advantages to business by easing hiring and employment termination, at the same time enhances employers accountability for missing employment contracts. Since 2020 Labor code and Employment Act enacted new-hire disclosure and reporting requirements to digital labor exchange platform Enbek.kz.
Most of our customers expressed concerns about possible personal data leakage on platform side for what we have reassured that personal data protection laws would not be infringed in this case and only selective and limited information is provided to source directly controlled by government. Platform is not affiliated with private institutions, but integrated with and administered by Joint Stock Company “Workforce development Center” (iac.enbek.kz) solely owned and regulated by Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (enbek.gov.kz).
According to the Platform’s use agreement all information, including the job vacancies and job seekers’ resumes, are publicly accessed and mainly purposed and created for equal employment opportunities and public employment service. The information provided at free-of-charge and no fee’s basis either for and by job seekers or employers. Primary idea and mission of the Service is to facilitate the match between workforce and employers. Kazakhstan Labor Law and Employment.
Kazakhstan Labor Code and Employment Act determine administrative penalties for employers violated report requirements.
Other aspect worth to mention in this chapter is employment termination. Most popular termination is downsizing through the means of layoff when employer do not have any good cause for termination. For the purposes of termination the employment contract on the grounds of downsizing, it is essential to furnish the irrefutable evidence in support of argument that the former employee isn’t placed in or considered being in another role so that eventually layoff the staff and, in doing so, evade the termination law while the new job position has been created with similar or almost like the same duties or responsibilities. Kazakhstan Labor Law and Employment.
Employment termination law is pretty smart legal tool when you let the rules be exercised by legal professionals.
We do provide the following employment law services within Kazakhstan Labor Law:
- Support employer activities ;
- Drafting employment contracts, secondment agreements ;
- Assessment of human resources documentation, determination of potential risks, recommendations to eliminate violations;
- Support of employment contract termination (dismissal, termination, and etc);
- Regulations on labor compensations and incentives for employees;
- Development of remuneration for top managers of the company;
- Work permits for foreign employees;
- Health and Safety regulations;
- Staff outsourcing;
- In and out – of – court settlement of labor disputes.